英 ['mæliəbl] 好意思 ['mæliəbl]
① 《科学杂志》(Science Magazine), 2024-10-30
The new metal alloy is highly malleable, making it ideal for manufacturing various components.
② 《哈佛交易评述》(Harvard Business Review), 2024-11-15
Leaders should recognize that team dynamics are malleable and can be improved with the right strategies.
① 《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities), 查尔斯·狄更斯, 1859
The malleable nature of young minds was evident in their rapid absorption of new ideas.
② 《东谈主性的桎梏》(Of Human Bondage), 威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆, 1915
Philip’s malleable personality allowed him to adapt to various social environments.
◉Usage Examples
(1) Lead and tin are malleable metals.
(2) The human brain is almost infinitely malleable.
(3) The young are more malleable than the old.
(4) Every time we recall a long-term memory, it becomes malleable.
(1) 铅和锡是可锻的金属。
(2) 东谈主类大脑具有无穷的可塑性。
(3) 年青东谈主比老年东谈主容易受影响。
(4) 每次咱们想起一个永久的记念,它会变得有延展性。
◉Usage Notes
A malleable personality is capable of being changed or trained, and a malleable metal is able to be pounded or pressed into various shapes. It's easier to learn when you're young and malleable.
Similarly, there are ductile metals that can be hammered out into wire or thread; gold, silver, and platinum are examples. The adjective malleable dates back to Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin malleābilis, from malleāre "to hammer," from Latin malleus "a hammer."
1. [ADJ-GRADED 能被暗意进度的副词或介词词组修饰的描摹词](东谈主)和睦的,易受影响的,依从的 If you say that someone is malleable, you mean that they are easily influenced or controlled by other people. [WRITTEN 笔语]
① The malleable mayor of New York was under his control...
② She was young enough to be malleable
2. [ADJ-GRADED 能被暗意进度的副词或介词词组修饰的描摹词](材料)柔嫩的,可锻的,可塑的,有延展性的 A substance that is malleable is soft and can easily be made into different shapes.
① Silver is the most malleable of all metals.
② ...using clay, plasticine or another malleable material.